Basic Nursing: Thinking Doing and Caring 2nd Edition Treas (Test Bank)



Test Bank for Basic Nursing: Thinking Doing and Caring, 2nd Edition, Leslie S. Treas, Judith M. Wilkinson, Karen L. Barnett, Mable H. Smith, ISBN10: 0803659423, ISBN13: 9780803659421



Basic Nursing: Thinking Doing and Caring 2nd Edition Treas (Test Bank)

Test Bank for Basic Nursing: Thinking Doing and Caring, 2nd Edition, Leslie S. Treas, Judith M. Wilkinson, Karen L. Barnett, Mable H. Smith, ISBN10: 0803659423, ISBN13: 9780803659421

Table of Contents

I. How Nurses Think
1. Nursing Past & Present
2. Critical Thinking and Nursing Process
3. Assessment
4. Nursing Process: Diagnosis
5. Planning Outcomes
6. Planning Interventions
7. Implementation & Evaluation
8. Theory, Research, & Evidence Based Practice

II. Factors Affecting Health
9. Development: Infancy through Middle Adulthood
10. Development: Older Adulthood
11. Experiencing Health and Illness
12. Stress & Adaptation
13. Psychosocial Health & Illness
14. Family
15. Culture and Ethnicity
16. Spirituality
17. Loss, Grief, & Dying

III. Essential Nursing Interventions
18. Documenting & Reporting
19. Vital Signs
20. Communicating & Therapeutic Relationships
21. Physical Assessment
22. Infection Prevention & Control
23. Safety
24. Hygiene
25. Administering Medications
26. Teaching & Learning
27. Health Promotion

IV. Supporting Physiological Functioning
28. Nutrition
29. Bowel Elimination
30. Urinary Elimination
31. Sensory Perception
32. Pain
33. Activity & Exercise
34. Sexual Health
35. Sleep & Rest
36. Skin Integrity & Wound Healing
37. Oxygenation
38. Circulation & Perfusion
39. Fluids, Electrolytes, & Acid-Base Balance

V. The Context for Nurses’ Work
40. Perioperative Nursing
41. Leading and Managing
42. Community & Home Health Nursing
43. Nursing Ethics
44. Legal Accountability

Bonus Chapters Online at www.Davis
45. Nursing Informatics
46. Holistic Healing

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