Employee Benefits 7th Edition Martocchio – Solution Manual



Solution Manual for Employee Benefits, 7th Edition, Joseph Martocchio, ISBN10: 1265278482, ISBN13: 9781265278489, ISBN10: 1265755558, ISBN13: 9781265755553, ISBN10: 1260260488, ISBN13: 9781260260489



Employee Benefits 7th Edition Martocchio – Solution Manual

Solution Manual for Employee Benefits, 7th Edition, Joseph Martocchio, ISBN10: 1265278482, ISBN13: 9781265278489, ISBN10: 1265755558, ISBN13: 9781265755553, ISBN10: 1260260488, ISBN13: 9781260260489

Table of Contents

PART ONE: Introduction to Employee Benefits
Chapter 1: Introducing Employee Benefits
Chapter 2: The Psychology and Economics of Employee Benefits
Chapter 3: Regulating Employee Benefits

PART TWO: Retirement, Health Care, and Life Insurance
Chapter 4: Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans
Chapter 5: Employer-Sponsored Health-Care Plans
Chapter 6: Employer-Sponsored Disability Insurance, Life Insurance, and Workers’ Compensation
Chapter 7: Government-Mandated Social Security Programs

PART THREE: Services
Chapter 8: Paid Time-Off Benefits
Chapter 9: Accommodation and Enhancement Benefits

PART FOUR: Extending Employee Benefits: Design, Contingent Workers, Remote Work, and Executives
Chapter 10: Managing the Employee-Benefits System
Chapter 11: Contingent Workers and Remote Work Arrangements
Chapter 12: Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plans for Executives

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