Kielhofner’s Research in Occupational Therapy: Methods of Inquiry for Enhancing Practice 3rd Edition Taylor – Test Bank



Test Bank for Kielhofner’s Research in Occupational Therapy: Methods of Inquiry for Enhancing Practice, 3rd Edition, Renee R. Taylor, ISBN-13: 9781719640640



Kielhofner’s Research in Occupational Therapy: Methods of Inquiry for Enhancing Practice 3rd Edition Taylor – Test Bank

Test Bank for Kielhofner’s Research in Occupational Therapy: Methods of Inquiry for Enhancing Practice, 3rd Edition, Renee R. Taylor, ISBN-13: 9781719640640

Table of Contents

I. Research in Occupational Therapy: Basic Elements for Enhancing Practice
1. Occupational Therapy: Research as a Foundation for Practice
2. Philosophical Foundations of Research
3. Research Designs, Basic Statistical Principles, and Major Methods in Occupational Therapy: An Overview
4. Reading and Understanding Research: From the Abstract to the Introduction, Methods, Analytical Approach, Results, and Discussion
5. Critically Appraising and Classifying Published and Presented Research
6. Managing Barriers to Evidence-Based Practice: An International Imperative
7. Professional Responsibility and Roles in Research
8. The Role of Theory in Occupational Therapy

II. Laying the Groundwork for Evidence-Based Practice: The Steps of the Research Process
9. Steps in the Research Process and Characteristics of Sound Research
10. Generating Research Questions and Defining Specific Aims and Hypotheses
11. Search and Reviewing the Scientific Literature
12. Writing a Review of Literature
13. Selecting the Research Method
14. Ensuring Ethical Research
15. Securing Samples and Performance Sites
16. Writing the Research Proposal
17. Obtaining Funding for Your Research Proposal: Writing Your First Grant Proposal

III. Qualitative Approaches: First Steps in Communicating with Language
18. Design Considerations in Qualitative Research
19. Collecting Qualitative Data
20. Human Factors: Qualitative Methods for Explorative, Design, and Evaluation Studies
21. Qualitative Approaches to Interpreting and Reporting Data
22. Outcomes Research Using Qualitative Methods

IV. Quantitative Approaches: First Steps in Communicating with Statistics and Measures
23. Choosing a Research Design: Defining Your Variables and Their Relationships With One Another
24. Measurement Approaches: Quantifying the Variables in Your Study
25. Collecting Data: Now and Into the Future
26. Entering, Storing, and Managing Data
27. Approaches to Data Analysis
28. Major Considerations in Clinical Trials
29. Meta-Analysis

V. Descriptive, Exploratory, and Pilot-Study Research
30. Single Case Research
31. Survey Research
32. Needs Assessment Research
33. Using Research to Inform Program Evaluation
34. Participatory Research Approaches
VI. Additional Topics for the Developing Investigator
35. Disseminating Research
36. Fundamentals of Mixed-Methods Research Designs, Contemporary Approaches, and Application in Occupational Therapy Research

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