Marketing 6th Canadian Edition Grewal – Test Bank



Test Bank for Marketing, 6th Canadian Edition, Dhruv Grewal, Michael Levy, Shirley Lichti, ISBN10: 1265247277, ISBN13: 9781265247270



Marketing 6th Canadian Edition Grewal – Test Bank

Test Bank for Marketing, 6th Canadian Edition, Dhruv Grewal, Michael Levy, Shirley Lichti, ISBN10: 1265247277, ISBN13: 9781265247270

Table of Contents

SECTION ONE Assessing the Marketplace
1 Overview of Marketing
2 Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan
Appendix 2A: Writing a Marketing Plan
3 Analyzing the Marketing Environment

SECTION TWO Understanding the Marketplace
4 Consumer Behaviour
5 Business-to-Business Marketing

SECTION THREE Targeting the Marketplace
6 Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
7 Marketing Research
Appendix 7A: Using Secondary Data to Assess Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

SECTION FOUR Value Creation
8 Developing New Products
9 Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions
10 Services: The Intangible Product

SECTION FIVE Transacting Value
11 Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value

SECTION SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain
12 Distribution Channels
13 Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing

SECTION SEVEN Value Communication
14 Integrated Marketing Communications
Appendix 14A: Social and Mobile Media
15 Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling

SECTION EIGHT Marketing in the Global Environment
16 Global Marketing
17 Ethics and Socially Responsible Marketing

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